The design process is integral to creating impactful spaces. Through thoughtful planning and precise execution, light is harnessed to enhance the environment, crafting immersive experiences that bring spaces to life while seamlessly blending functionality, aesthetics, and the envisioned design narrative.

What we do
Dynamic Lighting Solutions | Daylighting Expertise | Custom Product Innovations | Comprehensive Masterplans | Visionary Technical Design | Light Strategy & Identity | Sustainability Studies | Dark Sky Preservation | Night time Urban Design | Heritage Lighting | Unique Architectural Concepts | Cost-Conscious Implementation

Detail Design
Due Dilligence is an indepensible part of any process and the detail design stage ensure that the idea has been thought through and through, ironing out nearly all possible hickups and glitches that could possibly arise along the way of execution. We go down to the minutest details of the lighting installation that often involves heavy coordination civil and electrical works to see that there is seamless collaboration between the many stakeholders involved in the endeavour. Verfication for updates and changes across multiple disciples of in architecture, interior design, landscape & asscociated contractors are undertaken to ensure there are no on-field surprises and all parties are making fruitful efforts towards a common target.
How we do it
Market Insight | Storytelling Approaches | Architectural Analysis | CGI and Animation | Innovative Research & Development | Daylight Analysis and Ideation | Immersive Visualizations | Advanced Photometric Modeling | Lighting Control Setting | Mockup | Surface Illumination Treatment